THE POWER OF A CHILD IS AN AMAZING thing when you stop and think about it for a moment. Today, on my way to work, I witnessed that power first hand as three simple words from a four year old little boy drew two people from two entirely different era's and walks of life together long enough for them to realize that they had more in common than either realized.
It all started just a few minutes after I started my daily 20 mile commute to work this morning. Like every other morning, the mass transit bus I was on rolled up to one of it's many stops and among the passengers that boarded was an elderly woman in an old beat up wheel chair. I'm not sure why she was in the wheel chair, but the look of her face, arms, and hands told the story of a less than priviliged life. Despite her obvious handicap and her worn appearance, her pleasant demeanor was met with the typical smiles and nods of acknowledgement.
A few minutes and a couple of stops later, a young 20-something, blonde haired, blue eyed woman boarded the bus with a toddler. Both were impecably dressed, well manicured, obviously accustomed to living a more comfortable lifestyle than many of the passengers on the bus on this morning. The two took a seat directly across the aisle from the woman in the wheel chair. The little boy looked around the bus surveying his surroundings until his gaze fell on the old woman in the wheel chair. For a moment, he looked confused then he smiled at the woman in the wheel chair and said those three magic words......."Who Are You?"
Those three magic words from a wide eyed child started a conversation between two women from entirely different worlds. It was a conversation that lasted the 35 minutes that I remained on the bus and probably well after. Under any other circumstances these two women most likely would have never given each a second look. But on this day, two vastly different people found out that they actually had more in common than either of them could have possibly imagined.
It was a chance encounter that could have taken place on any bus, in city, anywhere in the world. But today, it happened in my world and I had the privilige of witnessing the formation of a new friendship and it happened all because of three simple words and the innocent, non-judgemental power of a child.
I agree with you at least 100%!
Children are so fabulous!
With one look they can make you feel mightier than a superhero or lower that snail poop.
With one sound they can warm your soul or chill your heart.
With one simple touch they can heal your entire being or let you know what a bum you are!
With a laugh they can brighten your day and with a certain type of cry they can ruin your life.
With a shout they exhilarate us and with a scream they nearly immobilize us.
Their powers derive directly from our Almighty God, because he imbues each one with such an innocence and blamelessness and that is what makes them so very special.
I wouldn't have it any other way!
That's a great story. My little man is also 4 and it amazes me everyday how wonderfully uncritical he is about people, and this world we live in. I think he's smarter than I am sometimes. :)
Thursday August 31, 2006 - 05:17am (PDT)
I loved reading that this morning. It just amazes me how little ones are uncritical about other people around them. Aww.. I do miss doing my daycare with " my little 4 yr. olds"
Thursday August 31, 2006 - 09:28am (PDT)
And a little child shall lead them...wonder story...thanks for the post
Thursday August 31, 2006 - 02:16pm (PDT)
Loved it. Go break the ice somewhere tomorrow!
Thursday August 31, 2006 - 05:02pm (CDT)
Let our children teach us well, what a lovely story ty x
Friday September 1, 2006 - 07:58am (BST)
Many wish to be young in body again, knowing what they know now. I wish I had that wonder and innocence of a child... for just a bit.
Hugs Mark
Have a glorious weekend
Friday September 1, 2006 - 03:18pm (CDT)
Kid's they are so truthful and honest, oh wait I better say little ones laughing mine is in High School still truthful and honest though keeping those fingers crossed laughing !! Have a great week, Gisele
Tuesday September 5, 2006 - 12:52pm (EDT)
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