Last night I was reading Dueces blog and it got me to thinking about life, the paths we choose, how we treat those we choose to include in our lives, and the lessons we learn or don't learn. Growing up, we are all for the most part conditioned to believe certain things and behave certain ways. Sometimes that conditioning doesn't always take. We have to learn things for ourselves. As we grow older and teach our kids we, many times, find ourselves coming full circle back around to most of the same things we were taught as children, but resisted in our youth.
Here are some (for a lack of a better word) Life Rules that my folks taught or at least tried to teach me. Some I learned the first time. Thanks Mom & Dad! Some, I had to learn for myself......Sometimes the hard way.
1. Follow the three R's Repect for self, Respect for others, and Responsibility for ALL of your actions.
2. Whenever you find yourself having to say "I'm Sorry" to someone, look them in the eye as you say it!
3.Remember that great love and great achievements always involve great risk.
4.If you say "I Love You," mean it.
5.Sometimes, not getting what you want is exactly what you need.
6.Don't let a little argument destroy a great friendship.
7.Spend some time alone everyday.
8.Silence is sometimes the only answer.
9.Keep yourself open to change, but don't let go of your values.
10.During disagreements with loved ones, deal with the present....don't bring up the past.
11.Expand your horizons. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
12.Leave you mark by sharing your knowledge. It's the only way to achieve immortality here on earth.
13.Remember, the best relationships are the ones where your love for each other far outweighs your need for each other.
14.Judge your success not by what you gained in the end, but by who you helped along the way.
By today's standards, most of these sound really cliched and really corny. But the funny thing is that they still work well today as much as they ever have in the past. If you think about it for a moment, I bet that some of these apply to you and you didn't even realize it. Yep! That's yet another lesson I learned as I try to pass these on to my boys. And just like me, they'll have to learn some the hard way as they work to build their own happy lives.
Til next time..........
Originally posted 10/24/06 on Yahoo 360
What a wonderful Blog.. The list is amazing and definately one that needs to be read and remembered!!
Thanks for posting this one..
Wednesday October 25, 2006 - 02:54am (EDT)
Thank you for sharing this. I agree with all of it. We all at some point of our lives learn the hard way in some things. We learn from them. Thats just how life is.
Wednesday October 25, 2006 - 05:46am (PDT)
Exactly, and you said so much better! Parents don't teach their kids these things anymore, they expect them to get it all from television. Kids today just have had no 'fetching up'.
Wednesday October 25, 2006 - 08:50am (CDT)
Nice blog and oh so true...I found myself sounding just like my Mom a time or two when raising my sons...lol...have a great day!!! Hugsssssss
Wednesday October 25, 2006 - 06:59am (PDT)
Two important items I did not see listed specifically are found in the Bible in Mark 12, verses 30 and 31.
(30). Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
(31). The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."
Wednesday October 25, 2006 - 11:34am (EDT)
i always go on and on and on.... won't do it ~ I agree with you and Deuce, and a very well written blog. somethings we just have to learn on our own, we have to experience things, I can so see so much clearer my parents ways of thinking now that I am older and a parent. i love your blogs Mark. ty
Wednesday October 25, 2006 - 09:06pm (CDT)
I believe life is choice and chance. Everything you said is so true. Great blog. I love that etch a sketch. I do alot of etch a sketching. Some really cool stuff. Maybe I'll blog it. Thanks for posting your thoughts made me reflect on things I've heard and learned from my family.
Wednesday October 25, 2006 - 11:06pm (EDT)
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