Well, it looks like the election honeymoon lasted about a week. Now those inside the Beltway are getting down to the business of jockeying and positioning for seats of power within both parties in the upcoming new Congress that soon will soon take control. Today, the Republicans tapped Mississippi's Trent Lott for the position of minority whip by a single vote. Lott was ousted from the majority leader post four years ago after making improper remarks during a tribute to Senator Strom Thurmond. For my money, Senator Lamar Alexander from Tennessee would have been a much better choice. Alexander, former Governor of Tennessee and former presidential candidate, is a great example of everything that right with the Republican Party and not one to bow to pressure from fellow legislators. That, most likely, was also his undoing in his bid to become minority whip.
Then we come to the democrats......New majority leader Nancy Pelosi of California made a huge deal prior to the election, and in the week following, about taking America in a new direction. One of her big mantras was the she would work tirelessly to rid America's legislative body of "the graft and coruption currently associated with the Republican led Congress." Ok Ms Pelosi, let's see what you have for us so far..........
First, there's her support for John Murtha in his bid to become the #2 Dem behind behind Pelosi herself in the coming Congress. Putting aside Murtha's current stance on the Iraq war, lets look at some other Murtha tidbits. John Murtha was a major target in the FBI's ABSCAM investigation. During this investigation Murtha was caught on tape with FBI agents posing as Middle Eastern businessmen who were attempting to bribe members Congress in return for political favors for a fictional Arab sheik. On the tape (abscam 1 & abscam 2) Murtha appeared willing to deal with the men but wanted to test the waters first by getting them to invest in his district. The House Ethics Committee eventually voted along party lines not to punish Murtha because, after learning of the video, he chose to testify against fellow congressmen. The special counsel to the committee was so disgusted by the proceeding that he resigned in protest.
Then for chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee, well Pelosi wants to see Alcee Hastings get the nod there. Yep! The same Alcee Hastings that was impeached from the federal bench where as a judge, he was found to be guilty of conspiracy and accepting bribes.
What is this broad thinking????? You tell us you get the message and then turn around and promote these two people, who should be under the jail, for prominent leadership positions in our nations Congress?......deep cleansing breaths.......deep cleansing breaths
Election night, I said we'll see. Now, I guess we have. And guess what, Presidential campaigning starts shortly. Geez.........I can't wait!
Til next time....................
Originally posted 11/15/06 on Yahoo 360
I can only hope the voting public is watching and remembers in 2008. I believe in a 2 party system... I just don't believe either party listens to the people. So I will pop tums and dream of better days... and vote every chance I get
Wednesday November 15, 2006 - 04:52pm (CST)
I don't even want to think about the presidential campaigns!!! Maybe i'll win the lottery and take a Cruise or sumtin...lol
Wednesday November 15, 2006 - 11:05pm (EST)
Hypocrisy in action...
Thursday November 16, 2006 - 01:28am (EST)
Get ready...It's going to be another Clinton administration. "I Not have sex with that woman" LOL!
I make jokes and laugh but this is going to be a mess. It has been proven time and time again that when democrats rule the country goes down hill. Then a republican gets elected and fixes it. Where is Ronald Reagan when we need him?
Thursday November 16, 2006 - 11:52am (EST)
I'll tell you where Ronnie is Jason. He's rolling over in his grave.
Thursday November 16, 2006 - 07:04pm (PST)
seems like this happens every so often , with luck having Bush still in maybe we can see results this time even though the house isn't republican.
who knows
Thursday November 16, 2006 - 08:42pm (PST)
When Reagan and Bush Sr. both took office back to back this country was actually looking good for once. Clinton was a disaster! Bush Jr. is trying but he is to blinded right now with oil dollar signs. Just give Iraq to Isreal and lets get on with armageddon already. LOL!
Friday November 17, 2006 - 11:18am (EST)
My Vote is for NONE OF THE ABOVE!
Friday November 17, 2006 - 11:20am (EST)
Speaking here as a LEFTY:
Regarding Jason's comment, "It has been proven time and time again that when democrats rule the country goes down hill. Then a republican gets elected and fixes it."
I don't know what country you've been living in, but here in Middle Class America your quote doesn't hold up. Many of the benefits that I currently enjoy were put into place during Clinton's administration. What have we seen during Bush's time in office? Record spending by REPUBLICANS, record deficits, record gas prices, and a war in Iraq that can never be won - and that my child and her children will be stuck paying for. You tell me, how is that "fixing it"? You need to stop watching so much Bush - err, I mean FOX - tv.
Friday November 17, 2006 - 06:17pm (PST)
everyone is entitled to their own point of view. enjoy your perks.
Saturday November 18, 2006 - 12:17am (EST)
After these last few posts, I can't help but make a few observations......First, Jason, I have to repectfully disagree with your democrat/downhill~republican/fix it comment. As much as I would love to agree with you, the simple fact of the matter is that not all dems are bad and not all republicans are good. History has proven that to be true more than once.....just in my lifetime.
And then there's the Clinton era benefits that Butterfly Girl speaks so proudly of. In the part of "Middle Class America" that I was born and raised in (and still reside in), living off the government dime was/is something considered shameful not something to be proud of. I guess you could say that from my view point, I get more satisfaction from earning what I get rather than holding out my hand and asking "Please Sir may I have some more."
As for the record spending and record deficits, you're 100 percent correct. From a conservative view point, that is totally unacceptable and that is part of why the republicans no longer control Congress. So now the dems (or "lefties" as Butterfly likes to say) have control again. Team Pelosi better bring their "A game," because if they don't stop this constant bickering with and bashing of the oppostion and come up with real solutions to the real problems this nation faces, they'll get bounced out on their asses just like the republicans did this time.
Friday November 17, 2006 - 10:15pm (PST)
I am not speaking of "perks" or "entitlements." I am a solidly middle class working American. I am a professional working woman. I have never once received one single penny of government money, even when I was a single mother raising a child with no child support and earning less than $8 an hour. I do believe in working my ass off to make ends meet, and it angers me to see all those who could work but don't. What I am referring to are benefits for the average middle class American, like the Earned Income Credit, child daycare credit, college tuition credits; and working-class protections like the Family Leave Act, mental health parity, and health insurance equity for females (such as requiring benefits for the Pill by insurance companies that also provides benefits for Viagra). I am talking about commonsense regard for those of us working to support our families entirely on our own. You misunderstand if you think I am referring to anything other than that. I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian, Republican, white bread midwestern home. When I was 20, I moved to California and was exposed to many things I had never seen before. It was a wake-up call for me. Also, as a female (and thus a "minority"), it is clear that the Democratic party more accurately represents my interests. This is why I have been a Lefty ever since. I always vote for the candidate and not the party - and I believe it is time to do away with the two-party system entirely, as it no longer serves the common good.
Saturday November 18, 2006 - 03:57am (PST)
My apologies for mistaking you for a permanent resident of this nations welfare rolls. You might consider choosing your words a little more carefully next time. As for being a brought up in "white bred" America...answer me this. Why is it that everytime liberals try to defend some of their indefensible policies and stances, they always bring race into it and then turn around and turn around and accuse all those who disagree with them of being racist? Finally, you say you were brought up in conservative middle class America and then moved to California when you were 20, had your "eyes opened," and have been a democrat ever since? Well, I moved to Califonia a little over 20 years ago(I was 24 at the time) from Tennessee. I, like you, saw and experienced a lot of things that were totally new to me. The difference between you and me....I was strong enough not to let myself be brainwashed and thus compromise my morals and belief system.
September 14, 2008 5:29 PM
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