According to reports out of San Diego, four decapitated bodies were found in an empty lot 15 miles south of the US-Mexican border. The bodies were wrapped in blankets and bound with tape. Three of the dead have been identified as police officers from Rosarito, Mexico. The fourth hasn't been identified as of yet, but is believed to be an American kidnap victim. The three unidentified police officers were listed as missing Tuesday night after being sent to investigate a reported kidnapping in the area.
Unofficially, it is believed that drug cartels or possibly MS-13 gang members may be responsible. These are the same people that go back and forth across the border dozens of times everyday trafficking drugs and illegal immigrants. While most of the discussion concerning border security has revolved around illegal migrant workers, they aren't the only ones coming across. Those are the same drug runners and gang members that engaged local police and DEA/FBI agents in an armed standoff back in January at the Texas/Mexican border near Laredo before scampering back into Mexico.
While dealing with illegal immigration remains a hot button issue with most Americans, it has become obvious that the Federal Government is incapable of dealing with this issue reasonably without letting politics and personal agendas cloud everything. Easier said than done I know, but it is imperative that our elected leaders change the path they are leading this country down where immigration and border security are concerned. If not, it's just a matter of time until something like this happens on American soil.
(originally posted 6-21-06 on Yahoo 360)
I have come to the position in life that I do not understand murder in any form. When I saw the opening paragraph I first thought you might be referring to that guy that was in the traffic accident. There were two dead bodies in the wreckage and three heads. He had decapitated his wife and had her head with him. Sick bugger!
Resolving any issue by killing someone is so wrong. I have been mad, nay furious and never once did the thought of murdering someone come into my mind. I cannot imagine being mad enough to take a step like that.
As to our elected leaders and their inability to solve problems I say this. It sure is hard to do something positive when the game is all about who can craft the biggest gotcha!
Our political leaders are busy placing the blame and working the negative spin rather than finding ways to solve problems. The answer for me is term limits since they are so wrapped up in the process of attaining and retaining political power.
Thursday June 22, 2006 - 06:43am (EDT)
I just don't understand why this doesn't unite us. The enemy is not us. It's time to get mad and circle the wagons. Unbelievable
Thursday June 22, 2006 - 08:46am (CDT)
I completely agree with you. I live close to Los Angeles and see a lot of the immigrant out cry but no one looks at the big picture only the "Me" and what I want.
Thursday June 22, 2006 - 08:06am (PDT)
This method of execution can actually be humane, but it is designed to strike fear in the hearts of those who witness it.
Let us never forget that terrorism at its heart, at its evil heart, is a psychological war. It endeavors to break the spirit and the resolve of those it attacks by creating a (perceived) lose-lose situation.
Senator Norm Coleman
Thursday June 22, 2006 - 01:05pm (CDT)
I totally agree here. You seen how long it took our president to resolve the immigration problem a couple months back- and still nothing really has been done. Our border control should be a number one priority right now before anything else, this makes us vulnerable for any attacks. Something must be done before things get alot worse!
Thursday June 22, 2006 - 10:30pm (EDT)
well bottom line this country was built on immagration....thievery,rape and murder...........all on american soil...and it continues every day with many injustices......mexico is no different than america we just hide it better.....your rite there needs to be some kind of change with everything all togather but i personally dont see it and honestly do you think its coming or just gonna get worse....all you can do is do your part and keep your head up.
Friday June 23, 2006 - 01:20pm (PDT)
I read the story and was equally disturbed. It's hard to come up with a magic formula, short of injecting some sort of "evil remover" in every human on the planet. The U.S. is no different, just look at the number of missing children and adults. How about that little girl in OK that was killed by her family's neighbor. He was planning to eat her when he was done. Bringing JonBenet Ramseys mom's death to cancer up in the media again reminds us of how JonBenets body was found: tortured, strangled and dead.
Recently, in Phoenix, a young hispanic was fighting with his girlfriend. The fight became so violent, he bit her ear off, bit a chunk of her cheek out, pistol whipped her, choked her until she lost conciousness and continued punching and kicking her body. This in front of his parents. The parents couldn't prevent it because they were afraid of their son.
These two youngsters (19 yr olds) have a 1 yr old daughter. What do you think will happen to her?
And this new story here in Phoenix: http://www.azcentral.com/news/columns/articles/0624roberts0624.html
Horrifyingly enough,this happens VERY frequently in my city.
My sister was a nurse at Phoenix Childrens Hospital for over 7 years. The tragic stories of the children she cared for in rehab would break your heart, those who didn't live long enough for rehab.....I can't find the words to describe them.
Mankind is evil, it isn't exclusive to a country or a continent.
Saturday June 24, 2006 - 05:26pm (EDT)
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