Well, "A Day Without an Immigrant" has come and gone. By most accounts, the protests/marches/rallies were for the most part peaceful but rather disruptive in terms of the business and education communities. But more disturbing than any economic disruption that occured as a result of Monday's activities is the emerging involvment of socialist American groups and radical latino groups such as Answer, MECha, Latino Movement USA, and LaRaza. These groups have an underlying agenda that many Americans aren't aware of....an agenda of reclamation. Reclamation/liberation of much of the western United States is their ultimate goal. American groups, including the Catholic Church and the ACLU are also (knowingly or otherwise) helping them reach their goals by supporting illegal immigration. Most of the American media are unwittingly aiding them by their lack of reporting on these groups and their support of illegal immigration. The most frustrating part is that our politicans and business leaders seem to be more interested in playing games than addressing this very important problem. The only person I've heard speak out on this today is Lou Dobbs of (of all places) CNN. If you take the time to read the Lou Dobbs article and the Mecha Profile , I think you'll find it some interesting reading. It was enough for me to decide that these radical groups are very deserving of this weeks "Bonehead(s) of the Week" award.
I'm with you all the way. In west Texas the numbers are about evenly split. Many immigrants are hard working, tax paying individuals... many are drains on the economy.
Tuesday May 2, 2006 - 08:24am (CDT)
All I know is here, our Governor is sold out to the hispanic population. She is clearly not visiting the explosive growth population of families moving here from other states. It used to be just retirees, Mexicans and native Americans. The article I ran two days ago shows that the non-native families are fed up with the lagging education and the hispanic catered law enforcement. Our education standards are being lowered and manipulated to accomodate the lesser educated, non-English speaking hispanic illegal immigrant families. It's a sad state of affairs here. Our state is last to enforce or even propose stricter laws. Our Chamber of Commerce is even having to resort to public advertisement BEGGING for federal officials to step in with heavier fines, imprisonment and just plain enforcement.
Our state officials are trying to keep the federal government out because it means state loses the majority hispanic illegally obtained identity theft operation vote.
There are so many half-way houses here set up to process illegals as they arrive to issue them stolen identities. One woman, a white, female U.S. citizen and her daughter living here in Avondale had a pretty decent one set up, they were printing SS cards, fake birth certificates and ID's that were from stolen records and dead people.
If anyone is paying attention to the frequency of databases and government systems being hacked, you'll soon know that our security is already breached and your common illegal aliens are making big business of selling this to our greatest enemy at the moment, Al-Qaeda.
Wait until you see the phenomenal news stories of key military bases being accessed both electronically and physically, they will be rendering our communications inoperable.
This is the real deal.
also agree with Missy, being from the same state I see our governor as weak just pandering for votes. The media spends all of its time (especially the Arizona Republic) pushing the illegal immigrant issue to the point of lieing about their contribution econmically and socially. They lump the legal immigrants with the illegal, and there is no denying the fact that the WHOLE hispanic community has an impact, but the just the illelgals. Not only are the people from other states being ignored by her agenda, but in the end giving amnesty to the illegals will do a huge injustice to the many legal immigrants that worked their way to where they are. Once again, we are on a verge on another huge handout.
Friday May 5, 2006 - 08:47am (PDT)
Lou Dobbs, came up with some very interesting points I watched him on a program about immigration, he sure made me think a little different once I watched the program. Gisele
Sunday May 7, 2006 - 12:56pm (EDT)
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