Once again, the general emailing public is at it again. This time the target (no pun intended) is Target. This particular email references Target's alledged refusal to support veterans groups and causes. This email also claims that Target discontinues health benefits for military reservists called to duty. Both of these claims along with several others made in the email are completely false. The false nature of the claims have been confirmed by a number of independent sources including Forbes Magazine, The National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), and theVFW. You can read the complete story on this particular email hoax at snopes.com. It comes complete with text of the original email, explanations of how the hoax started, Target's response, and links to third party websites verifying information posted on Snopes.
That said, I find myself shaking my head once again. In this day of instant information at our fingertips, I find it astonishing that some well meaning individuals can't take the time to do a little research before they click the forward button on every email that shows up in their inbox. For the record, I really am indifferent toward Target. I don't shop there very often and quite frankly could take them or leave them. In the big picture, they really don't play into my shopping habits. However, it just bugs me to no end when people do stuff like this to besmerch the reputations of others whether they are individuals or corporations. Even worse are the ones who unwittingly perpetuate the lies by fowarding these emails to everyone in their address books. It only takes a few minutes to find out if something like this "Target" email is true or not. Maybe someday they'll figure it out!
(originally posted 6-22-06 on Yahoo 360)
WellI can tell you I learned my lesson. I did a blog thing about something supposedly attributed to Andy Rooney, and of course the blog was well written and diplayed some real brilliance. (Can you tell I enjoy my own words... LOL)
In any case, the electrons had barely passed from my keyboard to the net and one of my friends called my attention to the fact that Andy's comments were just another urban legend.
I checked and sure enough there it was on snopes.com.
I now crosscheck everything to be sure the source and the quote is accurate.
There is no buzz-killer greater than biting on a hoax.
Friday June 23, 2006 - 07:29am (EDT)
Just goes to show you that if you walk around with a Target on your back, someone is going to take a shot at you sooner or later.
Friday June 23, 2006 - 06:41am (CDT)
Like you I am so tired of hoaxes, but more than that... I am tired of folks that believe everything they read. Proof again that 69% of the population has below average intelligence.
Friday June 23, 2006 - 08:38am (CDT)
Actually, I would have to say...this is something that Target has rectified very recently, if it is indeed true. Why? Because I still see Veterans groups picketing outside of the Target in my town(last time was about a month ago). It's been going on since Target opened up here a few years back. They're always out there with signs and pamphlets.
Friday June 23, 2006 - 01:26pm (EDT)
Oh, and one more thing. I had spoken to the manager of Target in my town after I had a conversation with the Veterans outside(shortly after the store opened). The manager even confirmed to me that the company would NOT be donating to any charities in support of our troops. This was pretty much at the beginning of OIF. So, was the manager lying to me? "I don't think so, Tim!".
Friday June 23, 2006 - 01:30pm (EDT)
I personally love to shop Target, I have a Walmart on one corner and Target on the other and if I'm just looking for a few things I always pick Target but if it's grocery shopping I of course pick walmart with 7 kids one has to save money somewhere!! But really all stores have there crosses to bare, Walmart has had issues with discrimination so you tell me why one is any better than the other? Alot of these things are from misinformation or misrepresentation be it a scorned employee or another business trying to fling mud!Just my thoughts !!!Have a great Weekend :) p.s.By the way Mark,Who the heck is Tim??lol :)
Friday June 23, 2006 - 06:08pm (PDT)
LOL! I have no idea! LOL
Friday June 23, 2006 - 07:15pm (PDT)
Yeah, I've learned that lesson the hard way too. Now my best friend is snopes.ccom...........LOL
Friday June 23, 2006 - 07:19pm (PDT)
Oh Man- Now I am shaking my head. LOL~ Well if it's True that is terrible, but False~ then good cause it would suck if it were true- LOL
Friday June 23, 2006 - 11:47pm (EDT)
I have tooo many times passed on things without checking them out...before i knew of urban legends, and snopes... a few times of being called on the carpet I finally learned and very few times do I get caught. For one thing I have gotten tired of the FWDS and have learned I am not going to save the world by passing these things on... soooo... I had heard the controversy concerning Target. I have a question, how do we know Snopes isn't an urban legend????? Uhhhhh???? LOL most of the time they have reliable references but I was beginning to get to the point can you trust anything on the internet. Thanks for a good blog Mr. Mark !!! :-)
Saturday June 24, 2006 - 04:03am (CDT)
My family back in Virginia and South Carolina were notorious for forwarding hundreds of stories like those weekly. I'm quite thankful that Snopes.com and Hoaxbusters came online to take on the time-consuming task of verifying those crazy stories.
My inbox hardly sees any of that stuff anymore from them after a solid month or two of snopes and hoaxbusters. My poor Aunt Dee, I think that was her lifes work, passing on that stuff.. :)
Saturday June 24, 2006 - 11:36am (EDT)
Grrrrrrrr ppl will believe anything, and never think twice about it...btw, its nice to see another from Calif.
Saturday June 24, 2006 - 10:23pm (PDT)
Mark, good points. I always look this stuff up on snopes.com and email back the person letting them know it's all bogus... I get tired of people forwarding me this stuff...lol..
Sunday June 25, 2006 - 07:20pm (EDT)
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