ALSO KNOWN AS BRITANY SPEARS SYNDROME......After a couple of days of listening to friends and foes of Rush Limbaugh defend and bash the chatterbox's latest medical faux pax, I have come to the conclusion that there are way too many people in this country with way too much time on their hands. There are so many more issues in this country that are more worthy of discussion and debate than Rush and his indiscretions.
At this point, I should say that I am no particular fan of Limbaugh. Quite frankly, I could care less one way or another. I think his days of relevance as a political commentator are fast declining. There are some young lions coming up through the ranks that are much more informative, engaging, and entertaining than Limbaugh is. People like Laura Ingram, Sean Hannity, Jay Severin, and (like him or not) Alan Colmes are much more relevant and captivating on the radio. These folks and others like them are the future of talk radio and deserve all the success that comes their way.
As for Limbaugh's latest run in with the law, all I'll say is that his latest problems (again of his own making) are pretty stupid. He should've known better considering his history and track record in this area. All you can do is shake your head and say..."Oops, He Did It Again!"
(originally posted 6-28-06 on Yahoo 360)
Too funny...they were just talking about this on the radio y'day about how many ways he could have "disguised" his prescription. Geez....
Wednesday June 28, 2006 - 10:21pm (PDT)
Exactly. I'm tired of hearing so much about the alleged "celebrities" that constantly screw up their lives and make poor choices. It only goes to show that having money and fame does not ensure that you have common sense or class. :)
Thursday June 29, 2006 - 04:03am (EDT)
So now he has ED denial as well? He should go talk to Bob Dole.
Thursday June 29, 2006 - 07:12am (CDT)
what exactly did he do though? from what I understand, docs prescribing meds under their own name etc. is fairly common so that the celeb or person getting the script is not splashed all over the media, etc. I think they just wanted to find a way to publicly embarrass Limbaugh... considering the little blue pill is sooo popular with the men, I don't really see it as an embarrassment to him. Just means he still has a solid sex life.
Thursday June 29, 2006 - 10:35am (CDT)
Apparently, in Florida, it is illegal to have anyone else's name on your pill bottles. That's why he got popped.
Duece.......way too funny!!! I wouldn't be suprised to see the two of them do a commercial together. I bet some ad exec somewhere already trying to find a way to make it happen!
Thursday June 29, 2006 - 09:52am (PDT)
that figures, he would get richer off the mistake of an illegal act!....lmao.... more power to him!....and I agree with Michelle(hope that right)...lol...i hope my sex life still exist at that age (to need to hide the pills)
Thursday June 29, 2006 - 04:48pm (BRT)
How funny! I was skimming through the news items for the day that story appeared and was talking with my hubby over the phone and said, "aha, you're buddy Rush got busted again with drugs, this time at the airport." He gave me hell about that and called me "one of them" like I'm some kind of enemy!! :D He also commented that because I was depending on the news for the news, I would be sorely disappointed with life and need to listen to Rush because he is the one who has the "real"news.
I never really had anything against Rush but my husband has to listen to the man every day or he has withdrawls. LOL
Thursday June 29, 2006 - 10:24pm (EDT)
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