After six years of George W. Bush as President of the United States, the senior leadership of the Democratic Party is still carrying the baggage of the “Two That Got Away.” Day after day we hear those “Democratic Leaders” and their constant barrage of insults and in some cases outright misrepresentations concerning the current administration. Rarely do we hear those “Senior Leaders” offer reasonable alternative courses to the path we are now on as a nation. Never has this been more evident than during last night’s State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress. This fact was not lost on the President as evidenced by this portion of his speech last night.
“In a system of two parties, two chambers, and two elected branches, there will always be differences and debate. But even tough debates can be conducted in a civil tone, and our differences cannot be allowed to harden into anger. To confront the great issues before us, we must act in a spirit of goodwill and respect for one another -- and I will do my part. Tonight the state of our Union is strong -- and together we will make it stronger.” (Applause.)
Later in the night, the Democratic leadership once again showed its hatred and disrespect for the administration when the President made these comments on Social Security reform.
“The retirement of the baby boom generation will put unprecedented strains on the federal government. By 2030, spending for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid alone will be almost 60 percent of the entire federal budget. And that will present future Congresses with impossible choices -- staggering tax increases, immense deficits, or deep cuts in every category of spending. Congress did not act last year on my proposal to save Social Security -- (applause) -- yet the rising cost of entitlements is a problem that is not going away. (Applause.) And every year we fail to act, the situation gets worse”.
After the President’s speech concluded came the “Official Democratic Response” from Governor Tim Kaine (D) of Virgina. Imagine my surprise (and the disgust of Senior Democrats) at the unusually positive tone of Governor Kaine’s official response. Here's an excerpt:
“As Americans, we do great things when we work together. Some of our leaders in Washington seem to have forgotten that. I want to offer some good news tonight — there is a better way.”
The Governor of Washington, Democrat Gary Locke, also gave a similarly positive response to the President’s address. While both were critical of President Bush on certain issues, both presented ideas and thoughts on how to try to make life in America better. Both are to be commended for breaking away from the negativity. Even if I don’t agree with their “thoughts and ideas,” I personally found it refreshing to hear voices from the other side offer alternatives rather than the typical hate and rancor we normally hear from opposition leaders.
Unfortunately, that positive display didn’t last long though. This morning, party leadership was back at it again…spewing their hate and venom ad nauseum. When party leadership consists of people like Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, and Howard Dean…one would have no right to expect anything less.
(originally posted 2-2-06 on Yahoo 360)
i really don't like kerry or gore personally...on account they had said something to the affect that they would take away our guns..such a wrong thing to do to begin with..they forget who shaped this America..the fighters, and the gun toteing folks..the ones who lost their lives to protect it
Thursday February 2, 2006 - 06:56am (CST)
Amen! I am so sick of hearing all the hate commentary and negativity these people spew forth at every opportunity. It's one thing to dispute the issues, have a different view of things and argue your case but the majority of the Democratic party has been reduced to nothing more than a bunch of finger pointers who are so out of touch with reality that it frightens me what life in the U.S. will become if they ever manage to hold office. Hillary Clinton is, by far, the worse. Kerry is close, but he's proven himself so moronic and indecisive that even his own party doesn't pay much attention to him anymore.
Thursday February 2, 2006 - 11:08am (CST)
It's really shameful how human nature prevents us from swallowing our pride.
I think for the most part, the Democrats have gotten on the merry go round from hell, they've allowed themselves to be carried away as tyrannical 3 yr olds and can't seem to stop.
The criticism, the comics, it all reminds me so much of my three yr old son who will sometimes be so caught up in his spiteful rebellious behavior, he doesn't even hear the answers he gives when asked if he wants to have ice cream or when he's told he's a good boy for helping mommy.
Because his mindset is being stubborn and opposing, he'll actually refuse a treat or a toy simply because he can't possibly be agreeable or consenting. That is exactly what the members of the democratic party remind me of.
Thursday February 2, 2006 - 10:43pm (EST)
It's really shameful how human nature prevents us from swallowing our pride.
I think for the most part, the Democrats have gotten on the merry go round from hell, they've allowed themselves to be carried away as tyrannical 3 yr olds and can't seem to stop.
The criticism, the comics, it all reminds me so much of my three yr old son who will sometimes be so caught up in his spiteful rebellious behavior, he doesn't even hear the answers he gives when asked if he wants to have ice cream or when he's told he's a good boy for helping mommy.
Because his mindset is being stubborn and opposing, he'll actually refuse a treat or a toy simply because he can't possibly be agreeable or consenting. That is exactly what the members of the democratic party remind me of.
Thursday February 2, 2006 - 10:43pm (EST)
If I hear one more liberal say "selected not elected" I will scream. Problem with liberals is that they do not know how to let go and move on to the future. Not saying all conservatives let go, but in general conservatives will let go of the past long before a liberal. Liberals grab onto past events with a vengeance and will not get over their defeats and move on, just like the drug addict that does not let go of his addictions because of the deep resentment and anger he possesses about the world.
Friday February 3, 2006 - 07:54am (PST)
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