Perhaps the most frustrating and puzzling is the response from Russia. President Putin along with other senior Russian officals have repeatedly said that Israel must show restraint. While it true that Russia does have close ties with Iran, The Russians have fought two wars with Muslim extremists in Chechnya. Except for the United States and Britian, The Russians are one of the very few who truly know what's at stake in this war against Muslim extremism. Their constant siding with Iran (who has quietly supported those who stirred up Chechnya) is at the least very confusing. I suspect that when all is said and done we'll find that Russia is more involved in this current conflict than anyone realizes at the moment.
The Vatican's response just plain pisses me off (if you'll pardon the expression). The Vatican....No wait......let's just call them what they are.......The Catholic Church! Yes the same organization that has a history of hiding & protecting child molestors and the same organization that has no respect for the sovereignty of the United States or the laws of this country. This so called religious organization has zero credibility with any normal sane thinking person. Don't get me started on the Catholic Church. Vactican officals and Mr Pope: SHUT YOUR MOUTHS!!! Nobody cares what you have to say!
And finally, The American Left.....Today Howard Dean came out and said that Israels response was an overly aggressive response to the current events. Let's see Mr Dean.....multiple rocks launched into Israel as a distraction for the kidnapping of an Israeli soldier. More rockets followed and more soldiers kidnapped and killed. Plus you have Iran publicly saying they won't rest until Israel is wiped off the map. All combined, I'd say that more than qualifies as an act of war. I dare would say that Dean's response would be drastically different if missles were launched at his beloved Vermont from north of the border. If he says differently, then he is a liar too!
Here's my viewpoint on this whole deal. What Israel is dealing with now is a part of the much larger war on terror. In the past, I have generally thought that the United States has always been a little too chummy with Israel. However, my thoughts on that are changing with every moment that passes by. Israel has been one of if not the staunchest ally of the United States when it comes to Middle East affairs. Time and time again she has shown remarkable restraint when conflict flares in the region. During the first Gulf War, Israel was targeted more than once with missles and did not respond. On more than one occasion, Israel has shown incredible restraint when asked to by the United States. Not this time though. Israel has as much right to defend herself as any other country. No other nation with the capability to defend itself would stand by and let themselves be repeatedly be attacked by terrorists and nations bent on it's total destruction.
The sad truth in this case though is that the real victims in this current conflict are the people and the government of Lebanon. This fledgling government put in place by democratic elections is still being held hostage by the Syrians and by Iran's support for Hezbollah and Hamas. Until that situation is resolved, I'm afraid these types of conflicts will continue for some time to come.
Don't forget that according to the Bible, anyone that allies against Israel allies against God. I sure hope that won't be the US!
Monday July 17, 2006 - 06:22am (EDT)
Israel stood by us during every situation. It is time we honored our commitments and backed our ally.
Monday July 17, 2006 - 08:25am (CDT)
I don't understand what liberals and most of the world's leaders in saying that Israel shouldn't do what it is doing now. Israel was making peace with the "palestinians" when they pulled out of Gaza. This pullout gave the "palestinians" an opening to attack along with their friends, Hezbollah. Israel is being attacked in the north and in the south by people who want to eradicate them. I say GO ISRAEL, get rid of those muslim terrorists!
Monday July 17, 2006 - 05:09pm (EDT)
This has been building for quite some time again. I compare it to the stress put on the San Andres fault...pressure keeps growing until something has to give and you then have a major event. That point was reached. Israel has to live in the middle of a literal pressure cooker as far as politics go. They are not only hated by their neighbors, but literally despised...not for things that matter, but for merely being born and breathing in many cases. They also know they cannot count on an useless body like the U.N., who does nothing but issue impotent "warnings" to countries that patentedly ignore each and every edict.
Granted Israel also gets in their own stubborn or political bias on a regular basis as well...BUT they are a tiny country that learned long ago they had to take care of their own...and so they are. The situation in that area of the world, given the advancement of weapons and technology is to a point where they simply cannot stand idly by in the line of fire anymore. The taking of their soldiers was purely provocative move meant to strike at Israel's heart...what was NOT anticipated by Hezbollah was the strength of what the reaction would be.
While I don't like the situation developing over there and believe it's going to have worldwide implications more than any of us can imagine right now...I do understand the response and Israel's need to show that they are not helpless, nor going to lay down and roll over. They can't. We also have to stand by them, and will.
Do not even get me started on the politicians in this country that instead of working together to progress OUR strengths, merely contribute to try and pull us apart and erode our country's resolve purely for their own gain. The flip-flopping and ridiculously treasonous statements made by many in Washington or by leaders in a political party are only serving to keep us mired down in debate and not solve a single problem.
Monday July 17, 2006 - 05:12pm (EDT)
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