Some folks have come out against this charitable gift by Buffett because the majority of it is going to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has given money in the past to abortion rights groups. Others complained that he should've given it all. These complaints aren't the point of this writing though.
One thing that I noticed from several commentators was that they were asking....."What about his children?" "Why not give it to them?" " Are they going to be angry?" " Don't you think you should give them the money?" And then there was the absolute dumbest question of the day...."Why not give the money to the government?" That last question blew me away! And as if the question itself wasn't bad enough, the source of the question was even more shocking.......Neil Cavuto from the FOX News Channel. Cavuto seemed to be more concerned about the kids not getting the money. It almost seemed as though he was personally offended by that fact. Then he asked the "government question" and I almost came unglued! He of all people should've known the stupidity of that question. I suppose it was possible he was playing "devils advocate" by asking the question, but it sure didn't come accross that way. Most of the other people asking these questions were all the usual suspects in the liberal agenda driven media! You would think that these people would be more interested in the individual causes that this gift would be helping. But instead all you hear are dumb, stupid, idiotic questions.
Whether you agree with Buffet's politics or not is irrelevant. This man just gave the human race the second biggest gift and the second best example of generosity that mankind has ever received or seen. For all the liberal/socialist/communist complaints made over the years about capitalism and constant droning on about the evils of a free market society, this stands as a silent testimony to the many benefits brought about by hard work and ingenuity.
In the final analysis, the only true purpose of great wealth is to do great things. Those who allow themselves to be swallowed and devoured with race/class envy and choose to criticize the choices of the rich in this country should be ashamed. They should also stand back for a moment and take a good, long, hard look at people like Warren Buffet and consider our way of life that allows men like this to be so generous. And while you're at it.....show a little more gratitude!
Do you think Warren Buffett did the right thing by donating the bulk of his wealth to charity? (closed poll)
- yes 7
- no 3
- not sure 0
- (originally posted 6-30-06 on Yahoo 360)
I think is is great he is donating all that money to a charity. But It makes you wonder why not think about his children first. But the goverment question was just insane. If I were him I would have laughed in the guys face after asking that!
Saturday July 1, 2006 - 03:46am (EDT)
I don't think it was right that he gave so much to Gates if Gates gave to abortion rights. No one EVEN wants to go there with me on this murderous issue...
Saturday July 1, 2006 - 05:13am (EDT)
I agree 100 percent with you on the abortion issue. HOWEVER, my point was that in a day and time when all the liberal politicians in this country would rather keep their own money but take everything we earn so they can spend, spend, spend ..... here is a man who is arguably the richest liberal of all giving 85% of his entire financial existence to address some of the world's most pressing health, education, and social issues.
The abortion debate not withstanding, if his charitable donations can be instrumental in helping to find cures for hideous diseases like cancer, alzheimers, or aids....then God bless him. If his charity helps to curb starvation here in America and around the world so that our tax dollars don't have to carry that burden alone, then I'm all for it. If his money can help design more affordable ways to take advantage of renewable fuels and energy sources so that we're not totally screwed when the price of a barrel of oil finally reaches 100 dollars (and it will sooner or later), then I'm all for that too.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that in a time when the Clintons, Kennedys, Gores, and Kerrys of the world talk a cheap talk....here's one of the richest of the liberals actually walking the walk. For me that's a refreshing change that I can respect even if I don't agree with his politics or viewpoints. I just think that more people, BOTH LIBERAL AND CONSERVATIVE, should be a little more grateful and a little less critical.
Saturday July 1, 2006 - 03:20am (PDT)
I don't like Gate's charities, but I agree with giving it away. His children are set, and what is there to strive for if it is given to you
Good food for thought
Saturday July 1, 2006 - 07:59am (CDT)
I applaud Buffet's demonstration of charitable giving, but only from the view that any philanthropy sets a good example.
However, people with that much money are why we are viewed as such money grubbing capitalists.
He donated more than some countrys' national budget, and that is sinful that he had amassed so much. He should have been donating all along.
I also am not too crazy about the abortion rights being a secondary beneficiary.
Show me a widow that puts 10-20% of her pension in the offering plate at her Church and I will show you someone that is truly being charitable!
Saturday July 1, 2006 - 10:09am (EDT)
It is his money to do with whatever he pleases! To which charities he is being so giving to I however do have an issue!But my question is Would it be better if he just burned it?
Who am I to judge him however, until I have walked a mile in his shoes , I can not say his reason or his wants are for a lack of a better term "crazy"!
As for the abortion charity,Not wanting to fire anyone up. But I'm entitle to my opinion, I'm not pro or con on this issue I feel it is a woman's personal decision life,economic circumstances,health reason's with that said I hope I have not opened a can of worms :) Remember opinions are like a**hole's everyone has them and they usually are stinky :)
Sunday July 2, 2006 - 07:43pm (PDT)
just wanted to come by and say hello and say ty for commentin on my blogs when i write them and happy 4th of july to u and ur family:)
Sunday July 2, 2006 - 11:26pm (EDT)
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