Sunday, September 14, 2008

"Generations of Heroes" October 23, 2006

DALLAS (AP)-Pearl Harbor survivor Houston James embraces Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Mark Graunke Jr. during a Veterans Day commemoration in Dallas yesterday. Sgt. Graunke lost a hand, a leg, and an eye while defusing a bomb in Iraq last year. This weeks images of U.S. troops in combat in Fallujah deepened the day's significance for many who attended tributes in San Diego and across the nation. (from Dallas TX earlier this year)

We truly take much for granted, including our freedom. Forget the football players and movie stars....these men (and the hundreds of thousands of men and women like them) are the true heroes. You don't have to wait for a special holiday to show your gratitude. The next time you pass a veteran or a current servicemember on the street or at the market, shake their hand and say thank you. For without them you most likely would have none of what you have today...including your freedom!

originally posted 10/23/06 on Yahoo 360


Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm just not a military aficionado but most service men know what they get into when they join. Most go in with thoughts of killing everyone not white on sight.I hate that, therefor I don't feel much for them. As far as anyone fighting for our freedom? I'll let you know that I have felt perfectly safe in this coutry since I was born and I felt really safe in mexico when we were still fighting for democracy which was very violent in little towns where I visited my gradparents.I do admire that these veterans who suffered major loss to their bodies how they easily continue their lives with what they got. I am all about that!

Tuesday October 24, 2006 - 01:21am (CDT)

Anonymous said...

You are so right, I think so many times we take our freedom for granted and don't realize what it takes to have it. We are spoiled .. people need to take a second look at what we have here in the US and what so many people in other countries don't and bow down to our troops and heros of war. For without them our land would not be free. Gisele

Tuesday October 24, 2006 - 11:55am (EDT)

Anonymous said...

I am very thankful for my freedom and I admire the serviceman past and present that give me that right...Freedom isn't free

Tuesday October 24, 2006 - 10:05am (PDT)