Sunday, September 14, 2008

When The Dust Settles, November 07, 2006

Well, late on this Election Night 2006, it seems that a very loud and clear message has been sent. "Throw the Bums Out!" Yes indeed, the Democrats have finally acheived pretty much what they wanted. They now have control of the House and at this late hour the Senate is still up for grabs. In all probability, Nancy Pelosi will be the next Speaker of the House. She will have to come closer to the middle though because many of the incoming Democrats are no where near as liberal as the leadership is. In plain english, many of the newly elected Democrats appear to be more moderate when it comes to things like the Second Amendment, Flag Burning, and some abortion issues just to name a few. In some instances, you might see some of these moderate Democrats joining the Republicans on some of these issues.

One thing has not changed though......When the dust settles this country still has three major problems that have to to be addressed in a serious and honest fashion.

1. Immigration---There is not a single example of a country, society, or civilization in the history of planet earth that has survived without controlled immigration and borders. It's no different this time either. If you can find an example of one, email me and prove me wrong. But I don't think anyone can.

2. The War in Iraq---This is a touchy one for people like me. I was there the first time and felt that it was handled horribly in the end. We gave a people their country back but we also let a lot of people down back then. This is our chance to make it right and it's not too late to accomplish that. Our nation has the best military on the planet that is more than capable of any task given. We have done a lot of good things for the people of Iraq, but it has been clear for some time that some changes need to be made both in big picture strategy and leadership at the Defense Department. It's also clear that "cut and run" or "immediate redeployment" is not nor will it ever be an acceptable answer. All that will accomplish is to make our military and our nation look weak and open us up for even more problems down the road. Now it's time for the Democrats stand up, stop bashing the President, and deal with this war in a serious bi-partisan manner to come up with an acceptable plan that acomplishs our goals while giving our troops the tools and the latitude they need to do the job correctly.

3. And finally, the War on Terror---It is time that liberals across the country take this issue seriously. We are facing an enemy that is fighting by a completely different set of rules than we are. This can only end badly unless the bickering over the handling of terrorists and the execution of this war on terror ends and ends now. The enemy has been very clear and deadly serious in it's intent where western society is concerned. History has proved that they are more than capable of carrying out that intent. That is not going to change because the Democrats won big tonight.

So America has made it's voice heard and now it's time to get down to business. The solutions to this nation's problems are not out of reach, but it's going to take everyone working together to get there. And it will be up to us to hold our new House and Senate accountable for making that happen.

Til next time.................

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Originally posted 11/7/08 on Yahoo 360


Anonymous said...

this is a great blog make sure to highlight it!

Wednesday November 8, 2006 - 01:00am (PST)

Anonymous said...

just one word of advice for you..if the bums need to be thrown out..then why in the world would the demos want to join forces on some issues with the republicans? HUH?I am a republican and dang proud of brother died when the bum clinton was in the white house,screwing Monica Lewenskyin the Oval Office..Im sorry sir..but I dont go in for that kind of trash in our white house..

Wednesday November 8, 2006 - 03:52am (CST)

Anonymous said...

This was not the direction I would have chosen for our Country to go in right now, but it is the path we are going to be least for the next 2 years. Let us hope that things move forward in Washington and in our country in positive ways and we don't instead spiral down into a government stuck in the mud, getting nothing accomplished.

We truthfully cannot afford to waste 2 years or to backpedal in ways that not only make our country and it's citizens less safe or our economy less strong. The legislative branch of government frankly has not been acting very well on either side, Republican or Democratic, in the past decade and the situation has only been escalating in it's division. It's time for both sides to get it together and move forward...not act like a class of my kindergartners on the playground.

Wednesday November 8, 2006 - 06:29am (EST)

Anonymous said...

I am not pleased with the outcome, but take heart. We need to work as a family. I do not see this happening anywhere near Nancy. Your issues are perfect and your logic mirrors mine. Maybe a mess now will wake people up before the next presidential election.

Wednesday November 8, 2006 - 09:01am (CST)

Anonymous said...

To Francis.....first off I'm sorry to hear about your brother and I agree with your comments completely. I am equally disappointed at how things went yesterday. My only point was that now that we are in the minority in the House, and possibily the Senate too when all is said and done, we are going to have to find a way as a party to get past the partisan bickering and work together. There is a good chance of this happening since about half of the newly elected democrat representatives are much more moderate than their leadership. Example....Heath Shuler in North Carolina. Shuler is pro life, pro second amendment, anti illegal immigration and many other things that the Democrat Party USED to be before the extremist took over. These moderates of the party bucked the overall party platform and still got elected. Until they prove themselves to be liars, we should at least give them the opportunity to remain true to their word.

Wednesday November 8, 2006 - 09:48am (PST)

Anonymous said...

Mark, I wholeheartedly agree w/#2. I was hoping more than anything that things would take a turn for the better with the situation in Iraq, before Josh was deployed over there. Unfortunately, that doesn't look like it's going to happen. Josh leaves in Jan. :(
Have a wonderful rest of the week xo

Wednesday November 8, 2006 - 02:26pm (CST)

Anonymous said...

With Pelosi in the seat placing her minions as chairman's of all the committees we have we will be set back several years in progress. this is not a good time for the dems to have power, they can not follow a process through, can not accept resposiblity for their mistakes and want to turn this world in to a liberal waste land where immigrants have greater rights than citizens, soldiers are treated with disdane and terrorism is met with a "oh we're so sorry to have upset you" - please - what a joke!! the democrats will destroy this nation given the chance.

Wednesday November 8, 2006 - 02:33pm (PST)

Anonymous said...

I am as disappointed as each of you, but I fear the Republican Congress brought about its own demise by not taking care of business. Too many opportunities slipped away and voters got fed up. Maybe next time (hope it's soon) they'll have more focus. Meanwhile, we as citizens need to keep up the pressure on all our lawmakers not to take the Liberal Democratic agenda too far. They dance on the brink of a precipice, and I don't want them to drag our country over that edge.

Wednesday November 8, 2006 - 09:52pm (EST)

Anonymous said...

this blog is endorsed by me.....
seriously I agree and I think Francine was offended by the "throw the bums out" quote. I might have been offended as well but I heard it used by the media to say what the americans were saying through this election, not that it was something you thought of to say Mark. I am indeed sorry about her brother as well. I don't know what the answers are but now only time will tell. take care. and this post IS endorsed by me and paid for by Yahoo.

Thursday November 9, 2006 - 02:58am (CST)

Anonymous said...

I always vote absentee- But yes I sure did vote and am very pleased with the results. Take care

Thursday November 9, 2006 - 08:11pm (EST)