In the beginning you never saw stuff like this from Google. But it's happening these days with more regularity. I wonder what those stockholders who spent around 400 dollars a share during the IPO (initial public offering) think about the computer nerd sarcasm.
Then there's this one.......I think Katrina survivors might debate this one with Google.
Check out the text inside the red circle in the upper right hand of the pic below.
Is that for real? LOL
Wednesday September 13, 2006 - 10:14am (EDT)
I can see Katrina as a comedy if you concentrate solely on the aspect of the incompetence of Ray Nagin. I'm sure that it's not a comedy to those who suffer due to his inability to do his job but you have to admit he's an amusing fellow with his chocolate cities and FEMA don't love us poor black people rhetoric. That's probably why they re-elected him...just for poops and giggles.
Wednesday September 13, 2006 - 12:43pm (PDT)
LMAO! Ya know, I am probably the last known person online who hasn't latched onto the whole "Google phenomenon". It's nothing but a big spyware trap if you ask me... Serves them right to have email glitches and horrendous mistakes such as those. :P
Wednesday September 13, 2006 - 10:05pm (EDT)
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