Sunday, June 8, 2008

10,000 Page Views!, May 29, 2006

10,000 PAGE VIEWS!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!

Back at the end of December when I first started this blog, I wasn't sure how it was going to end up. I certainly wasn't sure if anyone would be interested in the thoughts and ideas that were rattling around in my head or my (at times) bizzare sense of humor. Lord knows that Kat and the kids sometimes get tired of listening to my nonsense, so I decided to write in order to save them from me! (LOL) In the process of writing this blog and sharing some of the stuff I've found along the way, I've even made a few new friends whose writings I enjoy very much.

So now that I've passed the 10,000 page view mark, I thought it was time to say thank you to all the people who have taken time out of their day to check out my little corner of the world, leave comments, add me to their pages, and send messages. In particular, I'd like to say a special thanks to Missy, Double Duece, and Susan M. You guys were among the first and have been a big part of making this so much fun for me.

Again, thanks to all of you and here's to the next 10,000 hits. I hope they're as much fun as the first 10,000!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

cutest little dog to say thank you.

well i appreciate your blogs which i found from deuce... i usually read a few to see before inviting or accepting invites and I thought yours were great - intelligent with humor and yeah it's great to have a way to express our corner of the world isn't it> I too have a variety on the Heart Blog, spiritual humor, ups and downs ins and outs of life and a place to share the things that make me happy with others. it tool a whole to stop trying to figure out how to get more people to comment and build new friendships but I have gotten better to just write what is on my heart and if I get one respondse or more so be it. I do it for fun, release creativity, meet new and different people, learn, so I just make it a place to use as a place for my old dreams of being in some form of communications.journalism. alive, and keep my brain from going dead on me LOL...

congrats and hope you and yours have a good week.

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! When I started in February of this year, I never dreamed that anyone would be even remotely interested in anything that I might have to say. Of course, nothing that I have to say even comes close to what I've read here. Thanks for the invite. And keep up the blogs. Quite interesting! Let's keep your hit count rising.........


Monday May 29, 2006 - 12:19pm (PDT)

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sure that my page hits on your blog are but a small fraction of the 10K. And, it was so gratifying and encouraging when I was starting out to find that there WERE people with the same viewpoint as mine. Thank YOU for all that you do and are!

Monday May 29, 2006 - 03:10pm (CDT)

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your humor and your stand on so many issues. I'm glad we connected. My blog in no way compares to yours as it's just about Jason deployment and the way it effects us. Especially it's being our first. But you have a way of sharing and caring that is awesome. Keep up the good work and excellent humor and solid American concious and the numbers will climb even hight - thanx for letting me borrow once in awile to. Nite, Julz

Thursday June 1, 2006 - 12:16am (PDT)