IT LOOKS AS THOUGH THE HUG A TREE Free to be you and me crowd from Martiniville (otherwise known as Massachusetts) are at it again....spreading their sickness called liberalism. This time the victims are the children of America. In particular children who play soccer and other organized little league sports. It's all about games where no one keeps score or stats and no trophies are handed out at the post season banquets. It's a trend that has been going on for a while and was again pushed to the fore front during the recent World Cup Tournament.
Why are the liberal whackjobs subjecting our children to this nonsense? The reason they give is that they don't want anyone to get their feelings hurt. Personally, I think they're doing it because they feel guilty over their own status and success and they don't want their kids (and our kids) to experience that success in their lives and have to endure the same guilt that they do.
But now the libs from Martiniville are taking it to a whole new level....."Silent Stands." Yep, now in some leagues across the country, parents and friends aren't even allowed to cheer for their own little Bobby or Susie when they make a great play or score the winning goal. HUH???? I'm sorry, if my son were about the score the game winning goal or pitch a no would have to weld my butt to the bleachers and duct tape my mouth to keep me from cheering my son on to victory.
But more importantly than that, what kind of children would we be raising if we totally removed the competition factor from little league sports? Sports psychologist Richard Ginsberg says that sports is about more than winning. He actually says that sports is about feeling good about yourself....oh and he did mention skill development just so he would sound like a total idiot.
Where I come from competition, whether it be sports, business, or academics, is about striving to be the best you can possibly be. It's about learning to win graciously, learning to lose gracefully, and the strong helping the weaker to become stronger so that they experience success as well. It's also about learning how to deal with adversity, learning the concepts of teamwork, self discipline, determination and yes learning to deal with disappointment, rebounding and doing better next time. The list goes on and on. But not if the liberals have their way.
Oh! But Mark, what about the parents who are totally out of control at their kids sporting events??? Two words: BAN THEM! Let them know that taking their kids participation to extremes is unacceptable and won't be tolerated. If that doesn't work.....Ban Them! But don't turn it into some limp wristed hug fest that most normal kids and adults wouldn't want to ever be caught participating in.
If these invaders of our kids childhood games are allowed to continue, we will end up raising a generation of children totally unprepared for the realities of the competitive world in which we live. I can see it now.....little Johnny tries out for his Jr High football team and starts crying during the first practice because the coach yelled at him for missing a hand off. Can you imagine the ridicule little Johnny will have to endure when that happens. And it will happen because of people like Sports Psychologist Richard Ginsberg and crap they spew. Because of Ginsberg and people like him, we are raising children who will enter adult life as emotional cripples unable to cope with competitive situations in school, sports, or work.
As for all the folks in Martiniville...... just shut up! If you don't want your kids to play in the real world......fine. Take them home and put them in the bathtub, give them a rubber duckey, a bowl, and some plastic spoons and we'll call it good. As for me, I want my son to learn all the valuable character building lessons that playing in competitive sports can offer. Sports whose game plans do not include scoreless soccer, trophyless tournamnets, or silent stands.
Is removing the competition factor from youth league sports good or bad for our kids? (closed poll)
- Good 0
- Bad 12
This is ust nuts. Why even play the sport then. We play because we wanna win, or we play because it's fun. I have never heard of this before. Why would anyone agree to this. I agree with you Mark, ban the whacko's and give the rest of the kids a chance to play and win. Oh my- That will be the day I am not allowed to cheer on my daughter or son at baseball or soccer. Gimme a break! Outrageous.
Tuesday July 18, 2006 - 03:50am (EDT)
Ok, so they want scoreless games and muffled fans. This surprises you? The move to political correctness is fraught with socialistic overtones.
Socialism? Oh yeah I said socialism!
Liberal is the new socialism.
Moderate is the new liberal.
Conservative is the same yesterday, today, and hopefully forever!
Tuesday July 18, 2006 - 07:40am (EDT)
Games just arent played today like "In the good ole days"...I miss them. God Bless
Tuesday July 18, 2006 - 01:29pm (EDT)
This was a great blog and sadly, so very true. My boys love sports and so do I!! And just like you, when one of them scores a goal or hits a homerun, there is no one that is gonna keep me from jumping up and down and cheering. Life is about winning and losing and how to deal with both. In life, there are always going to be letdowns and rejections. If we don't teach them as kids, then how are they going to handle it as adults? When I play games with my boys there is a winner and a loser and although they don't always take it graciously, they learn to accept it. And it shapes who they are and who they become. I hope you don't mind, but I am going to give a link in my blast to this. If so message me and I will delete it. :-)
Tuesday July 18, 2006 - 11:57am (PDT)
I wouldn't say that I'm liberal, but I am not a conservative either. I guess I am middle of the road, but I agree with you 100% about this. Sports are all about competition, and winning, that's the American way. As parents we need to teach our children how to win, and how to accept losing gracefully, bec ause they will be subjected to both winning and losing in their lifetimes.
Tuesday July 18, 2006 - 12:06pm (PDT)
Not everyone is good at what they love to do. It is a fact of life. How can we expect our children to find their niche in life if they don't fall on their faces, get up and try something else. Very Well Said
Tuesday July 18, 2006 - 02:13pm (CDT)
Wholly molly! How depressing. Great blog.
What a travesty that this, feel good, warm fuzzy, everybody is the same, nobody do anythig specal 'cause we are all special, lets all be the same slug mentality is still oozing out of condesending, pontificating, smug know-it-alls who do it all for their own glory from book sales, appearances and honoraria. What a steaming pile of dookey. Same idiots who say you can't spank a child.
Let me guess the guy who wrote the book throws like a dufus and never got picked to play kick-ball? Hey everyone throws like a dufus until you keep picking up the ball and throwing it over and over. Practice and repetition will make you better and God given talent makes you great.
I would be at city council meetings until this intrusion by city government on how to play a game and spectate a game is thrown out.
Tuesday July 18, 2006 - 03:19pm (EDT)
I've never heard of anything so ridiculous. Taking away the scoring doesn't teach the kids anything. Competition is a healthy part of life. It fosters sportsmanship and teaches respect.
Tuesday July 18, 2006 - 03:38pm (EDT)
Great blog Mark. How will we ever teach our kids if they don't understand not everyone wins?
Tuesday July 18, 2006 - 01:15pm (PDT)
Gratifying to see the comments. But only B2 has commented or ventured to guess on the origins of this.
It had to have started with the practice in public school (you know I’d mention that!) of no one being allowed to fail at anything. The great equalizer, the dumbing down of our smart and talented kids in order to lift up and give a false sense of hope and a free ride to the kids who NEED to work harder, have a tutor, or take summer school to catch up. The extension of the 80’s (I think) I’m OK, you’re OK feel-good mentality.
Without the RISK of defeat or failure, there is no glory in winning, or success. Milk-toast.
Cream gravy. Tofu. There is no savor in the experience.
Got another theory? Let me know.
Tuesday July 18, 2006 - 05:59pm (CDT)
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