Just as I got comfortable and was dozing off, I heard more breaking glass. AAARRRGGGHHH! (again) This time it was our other cat, "Mandu", who was wreaking havoc. A couple of empty wine glasses left on the table in another room was in what seemed like 100 pieces. Oh Joy! Another mess to clean up. A little after four, I finally got back to sleep just in time to get a couple more hours of shut eye before I had to get ready for work.
Fast forward a few hours, just shortly after lunch time, when I get a call at work from my wife. There apparently was a problem with one of our fish tanks. In the process of fixing the problem she had to remove the glass top to the tank. Somewhere between taking the top off and fixing the problem, the glass top was.....you guessed it....broken. Start to see a pattern forming here?
Fast forward a few more hours, I'm taking the garbage cans out to the curb. It's kind of chilly outside tonight, so my youngest son decides he wants to do something nice for me. He makes a cup of coffee for me using my Marine Corp mug I got at MCRD San Diego back in April during Nathan's graduation from boot camp. In the rush to get it to me, he stumbled and dropped the cup. YEP!!! More broken glass.
At the end of the day, that's a grand total of 5 pieces of glass broken. Kat reminded me that we're lucky they weren't mirrors. That would've been 35 years bad luck. Whew!!!!! We dodge a bullit on that one!
As I sit here typing this, I also realize that I am the only living creature in our house, with two legs or four, that hasn't broken glass today. And that makes me feel pretty damn superior....if only for a moment. I take my small victories wherever and whenever I can get them because tomorrow is another day!
Til Next Time................
ok dear wacky packages picture .... only my hubby lol love ya
Friday January 6, 2006 - 09:40pm (PST)
LMAO!!! Geezus... I don't think I've ever had things break that often in one month, never mine one DAY! But you can't blame the kitty cats, they don't know any better. And besides, YOU left the wine glasses out in the first place. You should know that cats just love to jump atop counters. ;)
Savor that "superiority" thing, I'm sure your wife, the true superior, will put you back into place. HAHA (ducks and takes off running)
Friday January 6, 2006 - 07:59pm (EST)
i can't help but think...did you knock the computer monitor into the floor shortly after typing this?? you better knock on wood buddy! lol...
Friday January 6, 2006 - 11:14am (EST)
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